
Fees are paid monthly and are payable 52 weeks of the year. A bill will be issued for each month and are worked out by the following method: the number of additional sessions required e.g. two days per week, multiplied by 52 weeks of the year and then divided by 12 months (using current fees). Fees must be paid in full during absence to keep your child’s place. Please note that we accept childcare vouchers and we are registered with various childcare voucher schemes.

Monthly fees are at the prevailing fee schedule. Trinity Park Nursery reserves the right to increase said fees at any time giving one calendar months’ notice of the proposed increase to parents / guardians. Monthly fees include all sick days and holidays taken as these are paid days. Fees are based on booked days not attendance. Refunds and credits will not be given for days where your child does not attend due to sickness or a holiday. We do not allow swapping of days unless it is permanent and there is availability, we will try to accommodate swapping of days in cases of emergency or under special circumstances. If we must close or we take the decision to close due to events or circumstances beyond our control (e.g. Extreme weather conditions) the sessional Fee will continue to be payable in full and we shall be under no obligation to provide alternative childcare to you. We accept no liability for other costs which you incur if we are unable to provide childcare for any reason.


Payment Policy

Parents agree that all monthly fees (full time and part time attendance) will be paid on the first of each month in advance. Additional sessions will be added on to your next month’s bill and will be due for payment immediately. Unpaid fees are subject to a £50.00 late payment fee if fees not received by the 7th day of the calendar month. Unpaid fees may result in immediate suspension or termination of care unless reasonable arrangements are made and accepted by both parties. Extra hours are billed at the session rate or hourly rate. Fees are based on booked days, not attendance, therefore parents are responsible for fees whether their child/children attend or not. (This includes sick days and holidays booked.) We may review our fees at any time but shall inform you of the revised amount at least one month before it takes effect. If you do not wish to pay the revised fee, you may end this Agreement by giving us one month’s written notice.

There are various government schemes providing support towards childcare costs. At Trinity Park Nursery, we accept the following:


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