Are you a registered nursery?

Yes, we are registered with the Southern Health and Social Care Trust (HSC). Our registration number is - S000464

When does the nursery open?

Our nursery opens at 7:30am every morning and closes at 6.00pm every day, we are closed for all the bank holidays and Christmas week.

How do I arrange a visit?

We operate an open door policy and welcome parents to visit the setting without making an appointment. Please be aware that for unarranged viewings we will always aim to make a team member available to show you around, however due to staff to child ratios this may not always be possible and an alternative viewing time may be arranged.

How do I find out more about the staff working in your nursery?
In our main entrance hall, we have a staff board with an overview of the staff we have working at Trinity Park Nursery. On each classroom door we have staff photographs displayed of who works within the classroom and qualifications information on each team member displayed below their staff photo.  All staff within our nursery have relevant checks and references sought prior to employment. All staff are required to complete first aid training, child protection training and Food Hygiene training upon commencing employment. 

Do I have to pay for bank holidays and other holidays?
Yes, we have to pay our staff for bank holidays, so we are not able to give concessions for bank holidays.  You will have to pay for holidays you take as again we have to staff for your child’s place for the duration that they are registered with us.

Do you require my child to attend a minimum number of sessions?

We require children join us for a minimum of two sessions, we’ve found that children are able to settle more quickly if they join us for at least two sessions per week rather than one. 

Can I book extra sessions outside of our original agreement?

We are very happy to accommodate a request for extra sessions if we have the places available and are within our ratios.  Please speak to a member of staff for availability.

What items do I need to bring to nursery for my child?

Whilst your child is on formula milk you can either bring in your bottles made up every day or provide us with a carton of formula and we will make it up as and when needed.  You will also need to bring in nappies, creams, comforters and any medication your child needs. We also ask parents to bring in at least one spare set of clothes (and lots more when they’re toilet training!).We ask parents not to use plastic bags for their children’s belongings, as a safety precaution.

Who should I speak to if I have any concerns?

In the first instance your child’s keyperson or room leader should be the first point of contact. Alternatively, please come and see any member of the management team in the office. In the highly unlikely event that an issue is not addressed satisfactorily, we have a Complaints and Grievance Procedure which outlines our escalation process. 

What happens if you have concerns about my child?

If we have any concerns in relation to the development of your child then we will discuss these with you on an informal basis. We would hope that together we can identify the appropriate help that may be needed. If the concerns are affecting your child’s development we can provide a fuller assessment by contacting your Health Visitor, and with your permission, provide relevant feedback and observations. The nursery will also assist in implementing an assessment or referral if a child has Special Needs. The earlier a child is diagnosed with a problem e.g. hearing or speech impairment, behavioural issues, dyslexia, dietary allergy etc, the earlier treatment can be prescribed.

What is the key information you need to have in relation to my child?

Care Plan – we need to know all about your child to enable us to help your child settle. We ask you to complete a care plan for your child with our allocated key person and to let us know about any issues or concerns you may have.

Documentation – we ask you to complete all other relevant forms given to you prior to your child starting at our nursery.

Emergencies – we must have full details of how to contact you in case of an emergency, and have at least two other contactable people available in case we cannot reach you. You must let us know immediately if any of these details change.

Collection arrangements – We need to know about the collection arrangements for your child; if you change these arrangements we must be notified beforehand. We reserve the right to refuse collection of any child without prior notification to us of a change of person.

Change of details – please let us know if any of your details change, especially your mobile, current employment or home address.

What is your policy for communicable diseases?

One of our key concerns is the health and well-being of the children and staff within our nursery. Inevitably, there will be incidences of sickness amongst children and adults alike. In order to minimise the risk of infection, we have produced a guideline of the more common infectious diseases and the incubation and exclusion periods that are associated with each condition. Although we appreciate it can be very frustrating sometimes, the exclusion period from nursery following an infection is meant to safeguard others in the nursery as well as to ensure that the child returning to nursery following sickness has had ample time to recover. 

Do you accept childcare vouchers?

Yes, we are registered with the numerous childcare voucher providers, however, if your employer uses one we are not registered with, we can register with them.  We are happy to accept childcare vouchers from both parents, even if they are from different voucher providers.

How often do you review your fees?

Our fees are reviewed annually, usually in April.

How many staff will look after my child?
We adhere to social services guidelines for adult : child ratios

Under 2s - 1 adult to every 3 children
2 to 3s -  1 adult to every 5 children
3+ -  1 adult to every 8 children


Does your nursery have a full set of policies and procedures?
Yes, we have policies and procedures covering all aspects of child welfare, staffing etc.They are available to view in our main entrance hall. We review our policies once a year, usually in September or more often should there be a need e.g. a change in regulations/legislation.


Can I pay hourly for childcare?
We're afraid not – sorry.

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